Category: Semiconductor Components

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September 2016 – IXYS RF Products

September 2016 – IXYS RF Products

As a leading distributor of IXYS RF products in the UK and Europe, we have access to IXYS RF amplifiers, RF MOSFETs, hybrid modules, and RF drivers

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September 2016 – 10 Facts About Renewable Energy
Fossil fuels image

September 2016 – 10 Facts About Renewable Energy

Published on: 21/09/2016 Discover 10 interesting facts about renewable energy and learn more about our range of reliable high power semiconductors suitable for renewables Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished. Renewable energy technologies range from: sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water, and various forms of biomass. This […]

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September 2016 – Benefits of using a Silicon Diode
Benefits of using a Silicon Diode

September 2016 – Benefits of using a Silicon Diode

Published on: 13/09/2016 A silicon rectifier diode is a semiconductor that has positive and negative polarity, it can allow electrical current to flow in one direction whilst restricting it in another direction.     Benefits of using a Silicon Diode Good Insulator – silicon forms on a thin layer of SiO2 which is a very good […]

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August 2016 – What is a Semiconductor?
Component Sourcing by GD Rectifiers. Semiconductor components on a circuit board.

August 2016 – What is a Semiconductor?

Published on: 30/08/2016 Semiconductor devices form the backbone of industrial power control applications. Solid state semiconductor technology has shaped our modern world to the point where even our everyday white goods and automobile products are now controlled through the switching and regulation of power devices. What is a Semiconductor?  Semiconductors are crystalline or amorphous solids […]

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Showing 235-252 of 276 entries