Discover the Benefits of a Specialist Distributor
Discover how specialist distributors are better placed to offer a personalised service
As a specialist, successful distributor of electronic components, GD Rectifiers delivers a second-to-none service, focusing on customers’ short term and long term requirements in today’s fast moving industry.
In recent years, specialist distributors have played a pertinent role in the sourcing of electronic components, they’ve started offering detailed design support and technical expertise whereas some larger distributors are used for the ‘shop quickly without support’ approach.
Today, the growing number of specialist distributors like GD Rectifiers, is a testament to the needs of engineers and buyers that demand greater personal support to assist them in sourcing electronic components.
Specialist Distributor: Products suited to you
At GD Rectifiers we’re committed to offering custom built purchasing solutions for our customers. We design and manufacture a wide range of standard and custom built heatsinks, selenium and silicon rectifiers, suppressors, converters, inverters and regulators for industrial power applications. We also offer a repair and replacement service for faulty or aging semiconductor rectifiers, converters, inverters and regulators.
Alongside our own manufacturing capabilities, we also stock a comprehensive range of semiconductor, circuit protection and passive components from some of the world’s leading manufacturers.
Flexible purchasing needs
Specialist distributors have the flexibility to create bespoke purchasing solutions and can offer customers a personalised service. It’s important to consider using specialist distributors when quoting for projects, not only do they provide excellent value for money in regards to both their pricing and technical support, but they also offer a unique and tailored service, one of which is unrivalled from larger distributors.
Specialist distributors have an important role in the UK’s electronic component marketplace and will continue to offer a unique service to customers.
GD Rectifiers is an authorised distributor for over 30 of the world’s leading electronic component brands, including: IXYS, Westcode, Semikron, Dynex, Enerdoor, API Capacitors, Bussmann and Mersen.
For further information on our product range or to discuss your electronic component requirements, please call our sales team today on: 01444 243 452 or email: enquiries@gdrectifiers.co.uk.