IXYS manufacture an extensive range of MOSFETs which are used for high frequency switching control of power electronic systems. IXYS offers various MOSFET technology covering a large range of voltage and switching frequencies.
Extended FBSOA Linear Power MOSFETs
IXYS’ Extended FBSOA Linear Power MOSFETs are specifically designed for applications that require Power MOSFETs to operate in their current saturation region. These devices feature low static drain to source on-resistances and provide unparalleled performance and reliability in controlled current output applications.
Depletion-Mode MOSFETs
Depletion-Mode Power MOSFETs do not require energy or gate voltage for turn on, they operate in a “normally-on” mode. The “normally-on” operational mode of these devices combined with an enhanced linear operating capability allows for an ideal device selection in current sources, current regulators, solid-state relays, level shifting, active loads, start-up circuits and active power filters.
PolarP™ P-Channel Power MOSFETs
IXYS’ Polar technology features a proprietary cell design that improves overall device efficiency and performance. This technology platform reduces on-state resistance by as much as 30% and the gate charge by 40% compared to legacy counterparts. These devices offer low conduction and switching losses with a low input capacitance.
TrenchP™ P-Channel Power MOSFETs
IXYS’ Trench cell design features an ultra low Rds(on) minimising conduction losses and boosting improved operating and thermal efficiencies. The TrenchP™ P-Channel MOSFETs are suitable for high-side switching where a simple drive circuit referenced to ground can be employed, circumventing additional high-side driver circuitry commonly involved when using an N-Channel MOSFET.
Very High Voltage Power MOSFETs
The VHV N-Channel power MOSFETs are specifically designed to cater for demanding, fast-switching applications that require blocking capabilities of 2.5kV to 4.5kV. These Power MOSFETs are also ideal for parallel operation due to the positive temperature coefficient of their on-state resistance. Parallel operation with these devices provides a more cost-effective solution than using series-connected, lower-voltage MOSFETs.
IXYS’ ISOPLUS i4-PAC IGBT modules are available in 600V, 1200V and 1700V in a range of 18A-65A. IXYS offer 3,4 and 5 leaded packages for various circuit topologies. DCB base plate features: 2500V electrical isolation, low thermal resistance, increased power and temperature cycling, saves space, replaces multiple discretes, reduces parasitic inductance and capacitance and reduces EMI.
Please click on the IXYS MOSFET types below to view the complete range.
Trench MOSFETs / HiPerFETs (Fast Body Diode)
TrenchT2™ MOSFETs / HiPerFETs (FBD)
Polar™ MOSFETs / HiPerFETs (FBD)
PolarP2™ MOSFETs / HiPerFETs (FBD)
PolarP3™ HiPerFETs (FBD)
X-Class Power MOSFETs
Q3-Class HiPerFET™ (Fast Body Diode)
Very High Voltage ( up to 4500V) / Legacy MOSFETs
Linear2™ Power MOSFETs
Depletion-Mode MOSFETs
TrenchP™ P-Channel MOSFETs
MOSFET Modules
For further information on IXYS MOSFETs please contact us on 01444 243 452 or email enquiries@gdrectifiers.co.uk.